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Folsom City Plans Amendments to 2035 General Plan for Higher Residential Density

Folsom City Plans Amendments to 2035 General Plan for Higher Residential Density 1

The City of Folsom is taking steps to amend its 2035 General Plan and Folsom Plan Area Specific Plan in a bid to increase residential densities. This move, targeted at three specific areas within the city, is in line with efforts to accommodate multi-family and affordable housing development in response to State housing mandates.

The initiation of the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (EIR) marks the beginning of these proposed amendments. Ahead of a comprehensive review, the city has rolled out a Notice of Preparation (NOP) and has scheduled a public scoping meeting for residents and interested parties. This meeting, slated for August 17 at 6 p.m., will be held virtually over Zoom.

“The primary objective is to facilitate an increase in housing capacity in certain areas, enabling us to maintain an ample supply of land for multi-family residences,” said a city official. The emphasis is on ensuring this without the need to rezone areas in already established residential neighborhoods.

The NOP’s release serves as a formal announcement to various agencies, organizations, and the public, indicating the city’s role as the Lead Agency in the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report. This report pertains to the proposed amendments to the 2035 General Plan for Increased Residential Densities. The City of Folsom is actively seeking public engagement and feedback during the NOP review phase. The upcoming scoping process will majorly focus on garnering public opinions concerning the content and scope of topics to be covered in the EIR. For those interested, the NOP can be accessed and read here.

As for the areas under consideration for this amendment, they encompass the East Bidwell Mixed-use Corridor, the Glenn and Iron Point transit priority areas, and the wider Folsom Plan Area.

The city administration is urging Folsom residents to participate in the virtual scoping meeting on August 17. “It’s crucial that we capture the perspectives and comments of our residents. This meeting offers an excellent platform for that,” commented a city representative. Those keen on attending can do so via Zoom using the following details: Phone – 1-669-900-6833 (audio only) with Webinar ID: 885 5356 9127 and Passcode: 182263.

As Folsom takes strides in its urban planning and development, residents’ participation and insights remain at the core of these transformative initiatives.

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