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Bah Humbug, Home Burglaries Increase

Rash of Home Burglaries in Folsom Over Thanksgiving

The City of Folsom experienced a rash of residential burglaries over the Thanksgiving holiday. Beginning November 21st until today, Folsom Police responded to ten home burglaries within the city limits. They began in the Natoma Station neighborhood on Monday and ended with a series of burglaries north of the American River.

It is not uncommon for burglars to target homes and vehicles during the holiday season. The storage of high priced gifts being left behind at homes and inside vehicles by busy shoppers and travelers is too much of a lure for Ebenezer Scrooge (AKA burglars).

Folsom residents have some recourse. Citizens Assisting Public Safety (CAPS) offer free vacation checks year round to alert police officers of suspicious activities. Limited to Folsom residents only, citizens can go to the Folsom Police Department website at, click on “Services” and then “Vacation Check Request”.

Vacation checks are only one piece to protecting yourself. Don’t let thieves know you’re gone! Here are some additional tips for hardening the target you call home. Don’t tell thieves you’re away!!

1) Place holds on your newspaper and mail deliveries.
2) Use bright exterior lighting to deter activity.
3) Lock rear access gates, close window blinds, and remove hidden keys.
4) SECURELY lock doors, windows, and sliders.
5) Use interior lighting timers and a radio to give the illusion you are home.
6) Use inexpensive audible door alarms to attract attention to a burglary
7) Secure valuables in a safe.
8) Let trusted neighbors know you’re away and provide contact information.
9) Use CAPS vacation checks.
10) Report suspicious activity in your neighborhood to police immediately.

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don’t allow yourself to be victimized this holiday season.

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